Vacu Braze is CLOSED until 7:00 AM EST

Continued Growth at New Facility
June 6, 2018

Vacu Braze is continuing its dedication to expanding its capabilities and capacity, in order to better serve its customers. Over the past months, the Vacu Braze team has continued to expand and improve the new facility in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. With the addition of equipment and staff, they have expanded their capacity for a variety of jobs greatly.
Vacu Braze has begun introducing our brazing operation to the new facility, by moving both staff and equipment. Quakertown can now process large brazing orders at the new facility, and these runs are processed under vacuum. They have also added additional equipment to increase processing capabilities. This includes an expansion to both atmospheric and vacuum equipment. Additionally, the gas nitriding system is fully operational and processing orders regularly.
Vacu Braze continues to dedicate its time and efforts to providing customers with quality service from trained professionals. To do so, they will continue to expand both capabilities and capacities because their number one priority is providing customers with quality service.