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Vacu Braze Expands Air Atmosphere Age Hardening and Tempering
June 23, 2022
Quakertown, PA – Vacu Braze has expanded its capacity for air atmosphere age hardening and tempering of critical components. Two brand new Uni-DRAW Surface Combustion tempers have been brought on stream to allow for larger volume processing that is in accordance with the requirements of AMS 2750.
This equipment is intended for use primarily with critical components in the aerospace, defense, and fastener industries. With a qualified work zone of 36” x 48” x 36”, Vacu Braze has taken steps to add valuable capacity to serve their customers. Vacu Braze continues to look for opportunities to invest in infrastructure and equipment to provide more robust capabilities and reliable results.

Vacu Braze is a precision heat treatment facility located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. At the forefront of thermal processing, their work has been trusted by industry leading manufacturers in the medical, aerospace, defense, and power generation fields. With a commitment to quality and proven track record for speed and reliability, Vacu Braze is a partner you can count on. Learn more at